Nawak Import Version Odoo 15.0

Informations sur le Nawak Import instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Odoo 15 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year For Odoo15 Community Edition
Odoo 15 Fiscal Year & Lock Date
Odoo 15 Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year in Odoo 15, Lock Date in Odoo 15
Export Import Product ecommerce Image Zip
plugin will help to export import product ecommerce multiple image, Export ecommerce images, import ecommerce images, export image, import image, export product multiple images, multiple images, ecommerce image, product images, image zip
Export Import Product Image Zip
Export/Import multiple product or product variants image in zip file or send to selected partners, export product image, export zip, import product image, import product, export product, import zip, image zip, variant zip, import product variants
Du devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Site Web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Bons de commande, offres et accords
Point de vente
Interface PdV conviviale pour les magasins et les restaurants
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Dynamic Product Labels
Product Custom Labels,Custom Product Label, Dynamic Product Label Template,Product Label Print,Dynamic Product Label Print,Dynamic Product Small Label,Dynamic Product Page Label,Print Dynamic Product Barcode Labels,Product Label With Fields Odoo
All In One Margin
calculate product margin, add margin on sales module, margin on invoice application, margin in quotation app, margin field in sale order, calculate margin amount, get margin percentage Odoo
Product Barcode Generator
Default Make Barcode Module,New Product Barcode Generate App,Existing Product Barcode Generate Application, Existing Multi Product Barcode Create, Custom Product Barcode Generator Odoo.
EnterpriseMate Theme Config
Enterprise Backend Theme, Enterprise Theme, Backend Enterprise Theme, Flexible Enterprise Theme, Enter prise Theme Odoo
EnterpriseMate Backend Theme [For Community Edition]
Enterprise Backend Theme, Enterprise Theme, Backend Enterprise Theme, Flexible Enterprise Theme, Enter prise Theme Odoo
POS Mobile Barcode Scanner | POS Mobile QRCode Scanner | Point Of Sale Mobile Barcode Scanner | Point Of Sale Mobile QRCode Scanner
Scan POS Product Mobile Barcode Module, Scan POS Product Mobile QRCode, Point Of Sale Mobile QRCode Scanner App, Point Of Sale Product QR Scanner Odoo
Point Of Sale Stock Information
POS Stock Information,POS Inventory Information,Point Of Sale Inventory Information,POS On Hand Quantity,POS On-hand Quantity,POS On hand QTY, Point Of Sale On Hand Qty,Point Of Sale Forecasted Quantity,Forecasted qty,Virtual Quantity Odoo
Product QR Code Generator
Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator,Product QRCode Generator,QRCode Product Odoo
Odoo Database Backup
Module provide feature to admin to take backups of his instance's database and later download them.
Website Show Password
view password at login and signup page.
Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Intermédiaire de paiement Stripe
Intermédiaire de paiement : implémentation Stripe

Localisations installées / Plans comptables

Comptabilité - Générique